Optimal Continual Learning has Perfect Memory and is NP-HARD
ICML 2020 paper.
- Acquiring optimal CL algorithm is at least as hard as $A \cap B = \phi$
- Which is a NP-Hard problem
- Existing CL algorithms are polynomial heuristic to find optimal CL algorithm.
- Perfect memory : For previously observed tasks $1 \cdots t$,
with a perfect memory, we can find $\Theta$ such that
$\Theta \in { E(\Theta_i) \cap E(\Theta_j)}_{i,j \in 1 \cdots t}$ - i.e. (Re)Training with ‘perfect memory’ leads to $\Theta$ that preserves performance
for all previously trained tasks $1 \cdots t$
Quick Look
- Authors & Affiliation: Jeremias Knoblauch
- Link: https://proceedings.mlr.press/v119/knoblauch20a/knoblauch20a.pdf
- Comments: ICML 2020
- Relevance: 4.5
Research Topic
- Category (General): Continual Learning
- Category (Specific): Continual Learning, Set Theory
- Optimal은 바라지도 않음. Suboptimal 해도 좋으니까 relaxation을 하는게 현실적이지 않나?
- $A \cap B = \phi$ –> at least as hard as 2-SAT problem –> NP-Hard 자명
- 전체 $SAT(\Theta)$ ($SAT$은 본 논문에서 제시하는 solution set) 구하는건 (당연히) intractable
(search space 2 to the power of million/billion parameters) - loss landscape 에서 solution set region을 찾는거는 $SAT(\Theta)$ 의 relaxation
i.e. $\text{our_solution_set} \in SAT(\Theta)$ - 아래와 같은 자료가 있는걸 확인.
Rehearsal revealed: The limits and merits of revisiting samples in continual learning(ICCV2021)
link Rehearsal revealed...
는 우리의 문제 해석과 거의 똑같음. 다만 해법을 제시하지는 않고 observation만 제시REPRESENTATIONAL CONTINUITY...
는 unsupervised 방법을 쓰면 ‘smoother’ loss landscape 나온다는 내용. 다만 flatness를 언급하거나 보이지는 않음.
아래와 같은 양식을 활용한다.
## Quick Look
- **Authors & Affiliation**: [Authors][Affiliations]
- **Link**: [Paper link]
- **Comments**: [e.g. Published at X / arXiv paper / in review.]
- **TLDR**: [One or at most two line summary]
- **Relevance**: [Score between 1 and 5, stating how relevant this paper is to your work. Usually filled in at the end.]
# Research Topic
- **Category** (General):
- **Category** (Specific):
# Paper Summary (What)
[Summary of the paper - a few sentences with bullet points. What did they do?]