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Seminar Info
- Speaker : 충남대 CSE 임성수 교수님.
- Topic : Heterogeneous Graph Neural Networks
- graph? vertex-edge relation. eg) drug-disease
- ML with graph?
- learn from graph data to sovle tasks!
- example : node classification, link prediction, …
- node classfication:
- given partial node labels, predict missing nodes!
- link prediction:
- given partial links, predict missing links!
- anomaly detection:
- latent community/anomaly structure.
- graph classification/regression?
- relatively new topic.
- make independent predictions specific to each graph.
- training : subset of graph
- target : entire graph, eg: set of molecular graphs.
- representation learning on graphs?
- find representation to encode/decode graphs into some embedding
- embedding goal: preserving graph structure/properties
- Enc-Dec framework : minimize $L(\text{Dec}(\text{Enc}(X)))$
- Node2Vec(KDD16), random walk based similarity
- naive way : concat adj mat + feature mat.
why? parameter size $O V $, sensitive to node orders.
- solution : neural message passing:
- for each iteration, update each node embedding using neighborhood nods $N(u)$
- $h^{k+1} = update(h^k, aggregate(h^k_v, N(u)) \text{ when } v \in N(u))$
- iterative algorithm
- local feature-aggregation in GNN $\approx$ covolutional operation in CNN
- aggregate from adjacent nodes $\approx$ receptive field
- Check CS224W Stanford. CS224W Link
- parameter sharing:
- same aggregation parameters are shared for all nodes!
- neighborhood normalization:
- basic aggregation is sensitive to node degrees
- symmetric-normalized aggregation
- using a self-loop update approach
- GraphSage(NIPS 17):
- node sampling : fixed # of $N(u)$
- inductive capability == parameter sharing
- GAT(ICLR18) : multi-head attention.
- Taxonomy of GNNs (TIST22) : review paper.
- knowledge graph : subject, action, object eg) A rent B
- Heterogeneous? Nodes also have types. eg) Person A rent movie B
- node type mapping func $\phi : V \rightarrow A$
- link type mapping func $\psi : V \rightarrow R $
$ A + R > 2$ : heterogeneous.
- metapath : sequence of node types and link types.
- eg, given ‘person a rents movie b’
- metapath : $a \rightarrow b \rightarrow a$
- able to augment graph!
- MAGNN(WWW20), GTNC(NIPS19): make ‘useful’ metapath.
- Prof’s way : treat metapath instance as a node:
- relation between metapath : link
- merge metapath-nodes when more thatn 2 common nodes
- acyclic / cyclic 상관 없음?
- practically works well, theoretically open problem
- GNN 관심 있던 차 적절했던 세미나.